Who we are
We are Phil & Susan Smith & we are CLAIM
team leaders. CLAIM stands for Christian Laymen
Assisting International Missionaries. We are a
ministry of Baptist International Missions Incorporated.
What we do
We have the privilege of taking teams of volunteer laborers on short-term missions trips to assist missionaries all around the world. This enables average church members to participate in missions in a greater way by using the tools God has given them on the field. Church members desire to be more involved with missions, & the missionaries already on the field are not always equipped to deal with the everyday needs that may arise. CLAIM is the bridge that connects the two.
If you are interested in going on an upcoming CLAIM trip with us, please contact us, and we will be happy to give you information regarding future projects. CLAIM helps with anything & everything from construction to evangelism to mechanics to medical needs. Who in this world is waiting to benefit from YOUR ministry?
Get involved today!
Gratitude Expressed
We thank you so much for the missionary assistance program of CLAIM, and the team that Philip and Susan Smith were able to put together. They have a great testimony and desire to please the Lord with their talents and abilities. They also helped us to see in a couple of weeks what would have taken the people here months to do on their own. The church that they came to build this year was finished and the church was able to meet in the building the Sunday before they left. We have already seen over 30 people saved in the building over the last month and a half. We will forever be grateful for the work that they have done. May God continue to bless their ministry.
Missionaries Luke & Tonya Shelby, Kisii, Kenya
We don’t know how to begin to thank you and the team for the wonderful blessing you were to our family and the church. It was amazing to see so much accomplished in such a short amount of time. As a result of your ministry we were able to accomplish in two weeks what would have probably taken another year and you have made it possible for our ministry to reach Brazil in a more effective way. Certainly, building buildings doesn’t change lives but what happens in those buildings does. Surely there will be much more fruit yet to abound to your account. THANK YOU!!
Missionary Sean Lunday, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Belize -- what can I say. I have been many places on several C.L.A.I.M. Trips. But none ever felt so much like home. While in Belize on a CLAIM project 3 years ago, I saw that it was a beautiful country with amazing sights & great potential, but it lacked one thing --my family. We have now been in Belize for a little over two years as missionaries & we have even had the privilege of hosting two CLAIM teams to help us with our ministry. I honestly believe that without the Smiths and the C.L.A.I.M ministry we would not have never found this new ground to work. Missionaries Dan & Tracy Dinsmore, Belize

"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wiseman, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock." Matthew 7:24, 25